Well, I made it back from my little "mini" college reunion this weekend. We laughed so hard that it feels like I have TMJ now. Here is a recap of one of the many bizarre conversations that took place (some of the details are a bit hazy...damn you Grey Goose):

Roomie: Hey Buzzy (my nickname from college for reasons will become readily apparent) - what ever happened to Greg W.?
Me: who the hell is Greg W.?
Roomie: the guy you dated that summer we worked at the bar
TD (to Roomie): you probably need to be more specific
Me: who the hell is Greg W.?
TD: remember - we all went to a party near the quarry and Berman passed out too close to the fire and his sleeping bag was smoking and instead of rolling him around to put the fire out we stacked small sticks on him.
Me: I don't think that I was there
Roomie: Buzzy, what the hell...you drove!
Me: What does that have to do with Greg W?
TD: You got pissed at him for something, and we left him out there. He had to walk back to town.
Me: Why did we stack sticks on Berman?
Roomie: You were cold
Me: Was he okay?
TD: which one - Berman or Greg W.?
Me: Who is Berman?

There is also a possibility that I drunk dialed some folks from my contact list. Um...sorry, and if you could give me a call back to let me know what I said that would be awesome.